Current research projects: Research focus: instrumental music and humanistic literature, instrumental music and humanistic education, loci communes practices and improvisation, poetic and socio-cultural spaces of instrumental music.
Finished research projects:
Research focus: Sketches and reconstructions of instrumental music from the manuscripts of the South German region, genuine instrumental composition in the context of the media change (manuscript - print), practical-didactic contexts.
- Project of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: An unknown tablature from the collection of Carl Ferdinand Becker (1804 - 1877): two urban musical cultures in dialogue, Institute of Musicology, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Germany, postdoc-position, head of project (1/10/2018 – 31/12/2018)
Research focus: Keyboard tablatures in Central Germany around 1550: tradition, paleography and function; the reception instrumental music of 16th century in the 19th century (Becker).
- Project of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Instrumental Genres from the 14th to the 16th-Centuries: Improvisation - Style - Genre, Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Leipzig, Germany, postdoc-position, head of project (1/10/2008 – 30/9/2010)
Research focus: Concepts of style and genre in the reception of music before 1600, analytical methods.
Finished teaching projects:
- Music in the East, Duration: Summer Semester 2014 - summer semester 2015, Institute of Musicology, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Germany (conception and realisation)
- Music of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Today, Duration: winter semester 2004/2005 - summer semester 2006, State I.-P.-Kotljarevski University of Arts, Charkiw, Ukraine (conception and realisation)
Collaborations in finished research projects:
- DFG project: History of Science and Politics of the past. Musicology in Research and Teaching in early post-war Germany, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim, Germany, research staff (2010 - 2013) DFG-Webpage
Research focus: Methods of musicology at the universities of the former GDR and politics, persons and fates.